Even though Sweden has lots to offer in the way of wildlife there is only a few that you will probably encounter during your stay.
If you are really lucky you’ll see Moose in groups of two to five and if it’s a lone Moose the chances are it’s probably a male.
They normally are quite shy during the day and stick to the forests but in the evenings and very early in the day there might be a chance you’ll spot one or two grazing in the fields along the edge of the forests.
Deer are everywhere, and are probably the number one animal for traffic collisions as they jump out from the side of the road without warning.
They say if one crosses the road in front of you there is sure to be one that follows right behind it.
So beware when driving around out here especially in the evenings and early mornings as that’s when they are most active.
Wild Boar.
Over the last few decades Wild boar have made a comeback into the Swedish countryside after being absent for almost 200 years!
Färingsö has seen it’s fair share of them much to the chagrin of the locals as they cause so much damage to crops and ornamental gardens.
Wild boar travel in groups of sows and piglets with the males leading a solitary life outside of the breeding season.
Sweden has three species of snakes: the smooth snake (Coronella austriaca), the adder (Viperia berus) and the grass snake (Natrix natrix).
The most common ones seen are the harmless Grass and Smooth snake.
The Adder however is venomous and can give a painful bite that can make you very ill. For small animals, children, or the ederly it can cause life thretening complications.
Always seek medical help straight away if you are bitten.
The grass snake differs from the adder in having a round pupil, yellow spots on its neck and a less jerky movement.
Be on your guard however for the black adder which is common in the archipelago – it often lacks the characteristic zigzag pattern.
Ticks are all over northern Europe and are most prevalentwhere there is a large concentration of deer such as where we are.
It is important to be aware of ticks. For example after a walk in long grass or through the forest to check yourself and your clothing for ticks.
Generally they are harmless and just leave a very irritating bite that itches.
Others can leave you with an infection, this generally shows itself as a defined red ring around the bite mark from 10cm diameter and greater approximately 12hrs later.
Seek medical advice if you should experience this symptom
Do’s and Dont’s.
In Sweden we have a law that states all people have a right to walk where they wish in the countryside regardless of who owns the land unless it is government property. ie the Military. There are certain courtesy rules we follow for this entitlement.
Do keep to the edges of fields that are obviously used for crops
Don’t enter fields that have livestock in them
Don’t cross someones property in sight of their house if it’s obviously a garden.
Don’t pick wild flowers
Don’t break branches of trees or bushes
Do take home all your garbage
Don’t drive off road with your car
Do close any gates after you
Do be aware that Moose and Wild Boar especially with young can be very dangerous so do keep your distance.
These are just the basics, the general rule is just to use good common sense.
“Sunt förnuft”